Our Curriculum

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The Early Years Foundation Stage, which sets the standards for learning development and care for children from birth to 5 years old using the Montessori curriculum while the Grade school cater for children from 5 Years to 11 years (Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2) with the British/Nigerians blended curriculum. “All areas of learning and development are connected to one another and are equally important”.

The following six areas of learning and development were focused on:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication, Language and Literacy
  • Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy
  • Understanding of the World
  • Physical Development
  • Creative Development
  • ICT
  • International Languages
  • Our practices on each program takes advantage of a child's readiness to learn with activities that are fun, challenging easily understood and meaningful.


    Phonics-based curriculum provides every child with “sounds” necessary to link letters to make words, then words make sentences. Using simple alphabet cutouts and sandpaper letters students are able to effortlessly link sounds, symbols, their shapes and their writing. We inspire a love of reading and language, encouraging communication and vocabulary development. We create a literacy-rich environment and introduce children to a wide range of stories, letters and words.

    Mathematics and problem –solving

    Understanding the basic mathematical operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division through the use of manipulative materials such as rods, beads, sandpaper numerals, cubes, cards and counters allows the children to visualize the abstraction of numbers. We give children hands on experience with math concept, children learn the foundation and as a result develop reasoning and problem-solving skills.


    Heightens the child's sense of sight, touch, sound, taste and smell; hands-on manipulative materials allow the child to distinguish, categorize and compare the concrete elements of height and order.

    Practical life

    Students learn to care for the environment, learn self-development skills such as buttoning, zipping, pouring liquids, etc. students also begin to use social development.

    Cultural Studies (Geography, Science,Art and Music)

    Children learn about people, their countries and the world through holiday celebrations, cultural observations, maps, flags, food, music and pictures. Science activities and topics include differentiation between living and nonliving things as well as between animals and plants (botany, zoology, ecology, etc)

    To make this a success, careful and thoughtful considerations have been made to include all children at their different stages of growth. The children are taught through group activities and whole class strategies as well as individualized tutoring.

    ICT (Information and Communication Technology)

    Children are exposed to the basic use of computer which will help to embed basic skills that will be very useful in the future. This is also to train the kids on how they can search for information they need and to organize what they have found. In all, we want the children to be responsible for their own learning.

    International languages

    In little Einstein Montessori academy, children are exposed to different international cultures and languages, they include; French, Spanish, Mandarin and lots more. This is to help the children get a better understanding of other cultures, norms and values.

    Our Classes

    Creche (Infants)

    In addition to holding and cuddling the infants, the teachers are always interacting with them to encourage their mental and physical development. They will also introduce your child to our infant sign language program. Your child will learn to grasp toys, vocalize sounds recognize pictures of familiar objects and acquire a variety of other skills.

    • Age: 6Wks to 1.5 Yr
    • Time: 08AM - 06PM

    Discoverers (Play Group)

    Toddlers have many opportunities to physically explore their world inside the classroom and on the playground. They also begin more structured activities, such as learning centers and circle time. Our toddler will begin to learn concepts of color and size and will build their vocabulary.

    • Age: 1 to 2 Years
    • Time: 08AM -02PM

    Explorers (Pre-School)

    The beginners program introduces more routine and structure to the children's activities and schedule. Your child will build vocabulary, learn foundational numerical skills, and will be encouraged to use simple reasoning to explain everyday occurrences. The concept of science and social studies are also introduced as our beginners examine and explore the world around them. Our French program begins at this stage.

    • Age: 2-3 Years
    • Time: 8AM - 03PM

    Navigators (Pre-K1)

    Our intermediates have many opportunities to explore learning centers and participate in dramatic play. Your child will learn to recognize letters and some letter sounds, add two groups of concrete objects by counting and begin to understand the concepts of yesterday, today and tomorrow

    • Age: 3-4 Years
    • Time: 8AM - 03PM

    Trail Blazers (Pre-K2)

    Our Pre-K program prepares children for kindergarten academically by teaching foundational literacy and math skills. Children learn letter sound relationships, sightword recognition and basic mathematical functions. This well- rounded program encourages continues skill development in arts and creative expression, along with Spanish, wellness and more.

    • Age: 4-5 Years
    • Time: 8AM - 03PM